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Why It Is Important To Wear Eye Protection When Shooting?

Why It Is Important To Wear Eye Protection When Shooting?

When it comes to protecting your eyesight, there is no such thing as being too careful. That is why it is so important to wear eye protection for shooting.

Several types of eye protection while hunting and shooting are available on the market, so choosing the right type is important. If you wear glasses regularly, you will need to make sure that your eye protection fits over them properly.

Some of the most popular types of eye protection include safety glasses, shooting goggles, and face shields. No matter which type you choose, ensure that it provides adequate eye coverage.

Understanding the Risks of Not Using Eye Protection for Shooting

The most obvious risk is being hit in the eye by a flying object, such as debris. This can result in serious injury or even death.

Another risk is that of being exposed to harmful chemicals or fumes. When gunpowder is burned, it releases toxic chemicals into the air. These chemicals can cause irritation and damage to the eyes if they are not properly protected.

Finally, there is the risk of eye injury in the field from tree limbs, briars, etc. Without proper eye protection, these hazards can cause temporary discomfort or even permanent blindness.

The Benefits of Using Eye Protection for Shooting

Eye Protection Can Help Prevent Injuries to Your Eyes 

When you are shooting, there is a risk of debris or other objects flying into your eyes. Wearing eye protection can help to protect your eyes from these objects.

Eye Protection Can Help to Improve Your Accuracy 

Wearing eye protection can help you to see better. Tints can be worn that will enhance your visual acuity such as in low light conditions. Thus, you'll be more accurate with your shots.

Eye Protection Can Help to Reduce the Amount of Glare 

Glare can be a problem when shooting. Wearing eye protection can help reduce glare and make it easier to see your target.

Eye Protection Can Help to Keep Your Eyes Comfortable 

The gun's smoke and debris can irritate your eyes when you shoot. Wearing eye protection can help to keep your eyes comfortable and free from irritation.

Types of Eye Protection Available

Many different types of eye protection are available on the market, and it is important to choose the right type for your needs. Here are some of the most common types of eye protection:

Safety Glasses

Safety glasses are designed to protect your eyes from flying debris and other potential hazards. They typically have clear lenses and some styles can be worn over regular prescription glasses.


Goggles provide full coverage of your eyes and are often used when exposure to chemicals or other dangerous substances is possible.

One Piece Lens Eye Shield Glasses

Eye shields offer similar protection to goggles, but also help keep sunlight out of your eyes. This can be helpful when shooting outdoors in bright conditions.

Safety Helmets

Safety helmets are designed to protect your entire head, including the eyes. They provide a full-face shield that can help to keep debris and other hazards away from the eyes.

How to Choose the Right Eye Protection 

When it comes to protecting your eyesight, there is no such thing as being too cautious. That's why choosing the right eye protection when heading out to the shooting range is important.

  • Make sure the glasses or goggles you select offer complete coverage of your eyes. 
  • Look for a snug fit that will keep debris and bullets from getting behind the lens and into your eyes.
  • Make sure that it fits properly and is comfortable to wear. 
  • Choose a style that won't interfere with your vision or impede your ability to shoot accurately.

Once you've found a pair of glasses or goggles that meet all these criteria, it's time to think about what type of lens you need. 

  • If you are shooting in low-light conditions, opt for a tinted yellow or amber lens. This will help improve your visibility. 
  • If you are shooting in bright sunlight, use a lens with a darker tint to reduce glare and improve contrast.

Eye Protection for Shooting FAQs

When it comes to eye protection, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there. We want to help clear some things up, so you can make the best decision for your eye safety.

Q: Do I really need to always wear eye protection glasses for shooting?

A: Absolutely! Protecting your eyes while shooting is crucial whether you're shooting at a range or in the field. Even if you're just plinking cans in your backyard, wearing eye protection is important. BBs and pellets can ricochet and cause serious damage to your eyes.

Q: What kind of eye protection should I wear?

A: A few different options are available, and the best one for you will depend on what kind of shooting you're doing. For casual target practice or plinking, basic safety glasses will suffice. If you're competing in a match or participating in action shooting sports, however, you'll need something more substantial, like shooters' protective eyewear.

Q: Won't my regular glasses or sunglasses protect my eyes?

A: Unfortunately, no. Regular eyeglasses and sunglasses are not designed to withstand the impact of high-velocity projectiles. These types of eyeglasses or sunglasses typically do not wrap around the face so there is no protection from the side. They may shatter on impact and cause more damage to your eyes. Always wear dedicated shooting glasses or safety goggles when handling firearms.

Last Note

The importance of safety glasses for hunting and shooting cannot be overstated. Not only does it protect your eyes from potential injury, but it also helps to ensure that you have the best possible experience when shooting. 

If you're looking for eye protection for shooting that can also help you improve your hunting skills, Solar Bat has you covered. 

This range was specifically designed with different tints to protect and enhance your sight. Whether you're hunting deer, ducks or tracking, Solar Bat has military-rated eye protection for when you're shooting.

Find your pair(s) today!